Friday, February 10, 2012


Today as I was researching illustrator's rights online I came across a woman's site that had pictures of her sketches of animals at the zoo and it inspired me to do some simple sketches of my own of the little creatures around me. Here they are:
This is Cleo, the oldest cat of the house. She is seventeen and looks like an old lady, very angular. Hopefully I will get a more complete drawing of her in the future.

 This is Diva and Suki cuddling in a bed in the cat room as they often do. So cute!
This is the biggest cat in the house, Juneau! He looks a little funny here, but not every picture can be perfect. 

And this is Theo. The cat that looks the most like a fox. He loves to be held and is pretty considerate of the people and kitties around him, never too pushy about being pet and always waiting to eat after the other kitties have eaten.
I have been really enjoying drawing with sharpies. :) 
On another note, it is strange to me to be figuring out a contract for illustrating. The business side of the art world is sort of a confusing and uncomfortable place for me. I am sure other artists understand. I am glad that illustrators put up info on their sites and blogs so that others don't get taken advantage of. And I wish that I didn't have to think about money ever. I wish I just had enough to live off of and then could do art for anyone who wanted, whatever they want, for free. Maybe one day. I just have to practice living without money first I guess.

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